Turn It Off!

Photo by Marta Wave on Pexels.com

This morning’s sounds blasting from the TV seemed louder than usual. My morning routine goes likes this, get a cup of coffee, wrap myself in my favorite shawl, and watch the morning news/entertainment shows. I start first with the kitchen TV, then make my way to the study and turn on that TV, still with coffee in hand. Soon I gravitate to FaceBook and Instagram, look at a couple of emails that are nothing but marketing ads, then anxiousness and woe just seems to over flood my spirit. Too may sounds, too many views and clicks that turns in a heaviness weighing down on my body.

Sometimes when we are wondering what is wrong with us, why can’t we get to that next level of what we want to do or be, maybe we should simply turn off the television, click off the FaceBook and Instagram, or TikTok, close down our devices and quiet our minds. Find the time to walk in nature, meditate and think of those things that you are most grateful.

Turn it off and ground yourself in creating your peace, and your worthiness. Be kind to your body, mind and soul.

Be Well My Friends,

Rev. JacquiP